01 ±è¼ö¿¬ Kim SooYoun Protective coloration 1000x500x450mm /Á¶ÇÕÅä, »ö¾È·á
02 ±è¿ÁÁø Kim OkJin °ü°è 650x100, 250x50mm /Á¶ÇÕÅä, ö
03 ±èÀÏ¿Ï Kim IlWan Space 1001 200x200x760mm /Á¶ÇÕÅä
04 ±èÇпµ Kim HakYoung µµ±úºñ¸¦ Ä¡´Ù 600x600x800mm /Á¶ÇÕÅä, »öÈÀåÅä, ¾È·á
05 ¹Ú°æÁÖ Park KyungJoo ÃÊ·Ï ¸Ó¸®Ä«¶ôÀ» °¡Áø ¿©ÀÚ 200x200x400mm /»ê¹éÅä, À¯¾à
06 ¹Ú¼±¿µ Park SunYoung Cosmetic Lamp 120x400mm /ÀÚ±â¼ÒÁö

01 º¯¼öÇö Byun SooHyun À¯È¤ÀÇ ±¼·¹ 400x350x500mm /¼®±âÁú Á¡Åä, °íȵµ¾È·á, ÈÀåÅä, °íȵµÅõ¸íÀ¯
02 ¼ÛÈ¿ÁÖ Song HyoJoo Mr. stripe 700x220x670mm /¼®±âÁú Á¡Åä, »öÈÀåÅä, Å©·ÒÀ¯
03 ½Å½Â¹Î Shin SeungMin lure 900x900x60, 900x900x60mm / mixed media
04 ¿¬¼ÒÀÓ Yeon SoIm ½Ã±âÇÏ´Ù 1000x1000x2600mm /¼®±âÁúÁ¡Åä, ÀÚ±âÁúÁ¡Åä
05 ¿ÀÈ¿¿µ O OhyYoung ³¯´Ù. 300x350mm /À¯¸®
06 ¹ÚÁ¤±Ù Park JungGun ¿©Çà 700x1400mm /ÀÚ±âÁúÁ¡Åä
07 ¼ÛÇÏ°æ Song HaKyung The soul 450x350x550mm /¼®±âÁú Á¡Åä, ¹éÅä, »öÈÀåÅä

01 ¿ìÀº¹Ì Woo EunMi È帰³¯ ¸¼Àººñ 500x60mm /ÀÚ±âÁú Á¡Åä
02 À±¿µ¹® Ted Yoon The Scene 4000x3000mm /µµÀÚ±â
03 À±ÀçÈ£ Yoon JaeHo 21CÀ嵶´ë 150x150x500mm /È¥ÇÕÅä
04 À̳«¿µ Lee NakYoung ±×¸²ÀÚ 250x130x470mm /Á¶ÇÕÅä
05 À̹ÌÁÖ Lee MiJu way 350x350x450mm /ÀÚ±âÁúÁ¡Åä, °íȵµ ¾È·á
06 ÀÌÀ±Èñ Lee YunHee ¹«Á¦ 320x320x480mm /ÀÚ±â¼ÒÁö
07 ÀÌÁöÇý Lee ji hye À̾߱â(Úªü¥) 220x220x600mm /ÀÚ±â¼Ò¼º, ÀÚ¼ö
08 ÀÌÁöÂù Lee JiChan gears 550x300x250mm/¹éÅä, ºÐûÅä, ûÅä, »ê¹éÅä, À¯¸®, ö

01 ÀÌÀ±¾Æ Lee Una imagination or reality 450x700x450mm / ceramics
02 ÀÌÁöÇý Lee JiHye Love Village 150x70mm /ÀÚ±âÅä, °íȵµ ¾È·á, Åõ¸íÀ¯
03 ÀÓÁöÇõ Lim JiHyuk Composition 2000x1200x1000mm /¼®±âÁ¡Åä, Å׶ó½ÃÁú¶óŸ
04 ÀÌÇý¹Ì Lee HeaMi Etude of memories (PM 2:00) 380x240x120mm / Painting on ceramic
05 Àü¼Ò¿µ Jeon SoYoung Ú¦ - ±â¾ï 450x450x930mm /Á¶ÇÕÅä
06 ÀüÇöÁÖ Jeon HyunJu ¼÷¸í 340x540x980mm /Á¶ÇÕÅä, °áÁ¤À¯, Å׶ó½ÃÁú¶óŸ

01 Á¤µ¿±Õ Chung DongGyun ¹é°æ(ÛÜÌô) 1750x300x800mm /ÀÚ±âÁúÁ¡Åä
02 Á¶±¤ÈÆ Cho KwangHun Mamaboy 350x350x850mm /¼®±âÁúÁ¡Åä
03 ÃÖÁöÀº Choi JiEun ±ÕÇü(Balance) 480x180x420mm /¼®±âÅä, »öÈÀåÅä, µ¿À¯
04 Çϼº¹Ì Ha SungMi soulmate 200x400x350mm /¼®±âÁúÁ¡Åä
05 Á¶À²¸® Cho Yully Ÿ¶(÷ÃØ©) 400x400x520mm / hand-built ceramic
06 ÇÑÁÖ¸® Han Julee Fabulous 400x300mm /bulleyes / uroboro glass
07 ÃÖÈ£ÁØ Choi HoJun Be a Hero 520x680x720mm /¿Ë±âÅä
<Âü°¡ÀÚ ¸í´Ü>